- Go to Settings > Connections
- Click the Add Connection button
- In the popup, select Reckon Accounts Hosted
- Enter a label for the connection - this can be anything that makes it easy to distinguish between any connections.
- Click Add
- You will be taken to the new connection setup
Connecting to Reckon Accounts Hosted
- Click the Connect your Reckon Accounts Hoste accounts
- This will take you to the RAH login and authorization page
- Use your RAH credntials to login and follow the prompts to authorize Wbsync
- Once you have successfully authorised Wbsync, you will be returned to the settings
- You will also be able to select the company file you want to connect to using the Reckon Company File dropdown
- In the same company as selected in the Reckon Company File dropdown, setup a user for Wbsync to connect to RAH through
- the steps below outline how to add a user to Reckon.
- Ensure they have full access
- A suggested username is Wbysnc (but this can be anything you like). Remeber to define a strong password
- Enter these details into the respective "Reckon Company File Username" and "Reckon Company File Password"
- Click save to save the details. The page will reload and you should see your details